Sunday, August 03, 2008

Blind Man of Bethsaida

You know the story in Mark chapter 8. Just five verses, from 22 to 26.

The blind man was honest. He said, 'I cannot see clearly. Things are blurred.'

Are we honest? Do we admit to God that we cannot see clearly? The Bible talks a lot about spiritual sight. The eyes of our understanding being open. Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. We need sight, we need revelation; we need to see clearly. We have come out of darkness into His marvellous light. The light must grow, Prov 4.18.

Yet we live in darkness. We live in a kind of twilight zone. We can't see clearly. Job says, in chapter 42.5, 'Now my eyes sees You!'. Now Job can see clearly, after the terrible and devastating experience of the Cross.

Jesus wants an honest answer. Lord, open my eyes that I may see wondrous things out of Your law [word], Psalm 119.18. If we are honest about our inability to see, then He will be gracious and touch our eyes once again. There is need for a second touch. We need to see the heavenly things, the spiritual things, and experience resurrection life, ascension life, heavenly life. Did not Elisha see in 2 Kings 6.17,18? There is a spiritual dimension, a pure and heavenly dimension, where we can experience the Presence of the Lord and appreciate the things of heaven. But we are satisfied with earthly things, with a limited and hazy vision; we claim to see, but in reality we are blind [John 9.39-41]


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