Wednesday, May 24, 2006

God of the Impossible

'Under utterly hopeless circumstances he hopefully believed.' Romans 4.18, Weymouth.

When God is going to do something wonderful, He begins with a difficulty. If it is going to be something very wonderful, He begins with an impossibility.
-- Rev. Chas. Inwood

O God of the impossible,
When we no hope can see,
Grant us the faith that still believes
ALL possible to Thee!
-- J.H.S.

[Extracted from the May 8 devotional in 'Springs in the Valley' by Mrs Charles E. Cowman]


Blogger Vicki said...

I've been reading several of your blog posts this evening, and each one blesses me in a special way. This one is timtely since I'm presently enduring something I don't understand, but with God, all things are possible. I need to remember that. Thanks for ministering to your readers with ongoing Truth. It's very much needed.


3:44 PM  

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