Wednesday, May 24, 2006

God of the Impossible

'Under utterly hopeless circumstances he hopefully believed.' Romans 4.18, Weymouth.

When God is going to do something wonderful, He begins with a difficulty. If it is going to be something very wonderful, He begins with an impossibility.
-- Rev. Chas. Inwood

O God of the impossible,
When we no hope can see,
Grant us the faith that still believes
ALL possible to Thee!
-- J.H.S.

[Extracted from the May 8 devotional in 'Springs in the Valley' by Mrs Charles E. Cowman]

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Just to remind my readers that I have a collection of photographs on under the names Prolix6x and Prato9x. You can see the flickr badge in the sidebar on the bottom right side of this blog. Wish you all happy viewing, besides the serious reading in my blogspot blogs!

I also have a testimony blog at which is a must-see and a must-read. All for the glory of God and our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ!
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